With this form renderer, you can also configure any Text area to render as a WYSIWYG editor using the amazing Quill editor.
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), { components: [ { type: 'textfield', label: 'Title', placeholder: 'Enter the title.', validate: { required: true }, key: 'title', input: true, inputType: 'text' }, { type: 'textarea', label: 'Content', wysiwyg: true, validate: { required: true }, key: 'content', input: true, inputType: 'text' }, { type: 'button', action: 'submit', label: 'Submit', theme: 'primary', key: 'submit', disableOnInvalid: true } ] });
It is also possible to provide your own custom configurations to the WYSIWYG editor found @ https://quilljs.com/docs/configuration. These configurations can be provided instead of the “true” value of the wysiwyg attribute. Like so.
Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('formio'), { components: [ { type: 'textfield', label: 'Title', placeholder: 'Enter the title.', key: 'title', input: true, inputType: 'text' }, { type: 'textarea', label: 'Content', wysiwyg: { theme: 'snow', modules: { toolbar: ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'] } }, key: 'content', input: true, inputType: 'text' }, { type: 'button', action: 'submit', label: 'Submit', theme: 'primary', key: 'submit' } ] });