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export default [
    type: 'select',
    label: 'Input Format',
    key: 'inputFormat',
    weight: 105,
    placeholder: 'Input Format',
    tooltip: 'Force the output of this field to be sanitized in a specific format.',
    template: '<span>{{ item.label }}</span>',
    data: {
      values: [
          value: 'plain',
          label: 'Plain'
          value: 'html',
          label: 'HTML'
          value: 'raw',
          label: 'Raw (Insecure)'
    defaultValue: 'plain',
    input: true
    weight: 200,
    type: 'radio',
    label: 'Text Case',
    key: 'case',
    tooltip: 'When data is entered, you can change the case of the value.',
    input: true,
    values: [
        value: 'mixed',
        label: 'Mixed (Allow upper and lower case)'
        value: 'uppercase',
        label: 'Uppercase'
        value: 'lowercase',
        label: 'Lowercase'
    weight: 205,
    type: 'checkbox',
    input: true,
    key: 'truncateMultipleSpaces',
    label: 'Truncate Multiple Spaces',