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import Evaluator from '../../../utils/Evaluator';

export default [
    type: 'textarea',
    label: 'Header Template',
    key: 'templates.header',
    rows: 5,
    editor: 'ace',
    as: 'handlebars',
    clearOnHide: false,
    input: true,
    placeholder: '/*** Lodash Template Code ***/',
    description: 'Two available variables. "value" is the array of row data and "components" is the array of components in the grid.',
    tooltip: 'This is the <a href=\'https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.5#template\'>Lodash Template</a> used to render the header of the Edit grid.',
    customConditional({ data }) {
      return (!Evaluator.noeval || Evaluator.protectedEval) && !data.displayAsTable;
    type: 'textarea',
    label: 'Table Header Template',
    key: 'templates.tableHeader',
    rows: 6,
    editor: 'ace',
    as: 'handlebars',
    clearOnHide: false,
    input: true,
    placeholder: '/*** Lodash Template Code ***/',
    description: 'Two available variables. "value" is the array of row data and "components" is the array of components in the grid.',
    tooltip: 'This is the <a href=\'https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.5#template\'>Lodash Template</a> used to render the header of the Edit grid.',
    customConditional({ data }) {
      return (!Evaluator.noeval || Evaluator.protectedEval) && data.displayAsTable;
    type: 'textarea',
    label: 'Row Template',
    key: 'templates.row',
    rows: 5,
    editor: 'ace',
    as: 'handlebars',
    clearOnHide: false,
    input: true,
    placeholder: '/*** Lodash Template Code ***/',
    description: 'Three available variables. "row" is an object of one row\'s data, "components"' +
      ' is the array of components in the grid and "state" is current row\'s state (can be "draft" or "saved").' +
      ' To add click events, add the classes "editRow" and "removeRow" to elements.',
    tooltip: 'This is the <a href=\'https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.5#template\'>Lodash Template</a> used to render each row of the Edit grid.',
    customConditional({ data }) {
      return (!Evaluator.noeval || Evaluator.protectedEval) && !data.displayAsTable;
    type: 'textarea',
    label: 'Table Row Template',
    key: 'templates.tableRow',
    rows: 5,
    editor: 'ace',
    as: 'handlebars',
    clearOnHide: false,
    input: true,
    placeholder: '/*** Lodash Template Code ***/',
    description: 'Three available variables. "row" is an object of one row\'s data, "components"' +
      ' is the array of components in the grid and "state" is current row\'s state (can be "draft" or "saved").' +
      ' To add click events, add the classes "editRow" and "removeRow" to elements.',
    tooltip: 'This is the <a href=\'https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.5#template\'>Lodash Template</a> used to render each row of the Edit grid.',
    customConditional({ data }) {
      return (!Evaluator.noeval || Evaluator.protectedEval) && data.displayAsTable;
    type: 'textarea',
    label: 'Footer Template',
    key: 'templates.footer',
    rows: 5,
    editor: 'ace',
    as: 'handlebars',
    input: true,
    placeholder: '/*** Lodash Template Code ***/',
    description: 'Two available variables. "value" is the array of row data and "components" is the array of components in the grid.',
    tooltip: 'This is the <a href=\'https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.5#template\'>Lodash Template</a> used to render the footer of the Edit grid.',
    customConditional() {
      return !Evaluator.noeval || Evaluator.protectedEval;
    type: 'textfield',
    input: true,
    key: 'rowClass',
    label: 'Row CSS Class',
    placeholder: 'Row CSS Class',
    tooltip: 'CSS class to add to the edit row wrapper.'
    type: 'textfield',
    input: true,
    key: 'addAnother',
    label: 'Add Another Text',
    placeholder: 'Add Another',
    tooltip: 'Set the text of the Add Another button.'
    weight: 70,
    type: 'checkbox',
    label: 'Display as Modal',
    tooltip: 'Display a modal to add or edit entries in the table',
    key: 'modal',
    input: true
    type: 'textfield',
    input: true,
    key: 'saveRow',
    label: 'Save Row Text',
    placeholder: 'Save',
    tooltip: 'Set the text of the Save Row button.'
    type: 'textfield',
    input: true,
    key: 'removeRow',
    label: 'Remove Row Text',
    placeholder: 'Remove',
    tooltip: 'Set the text of the remove Row button.'