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export default [
    key: 'placeholder',
    ignore: true
    key: 'tabindex',
    ignore: true
    type: 'textfield',
    label: 'Label for Key column',
    key: 'keyLabel',
    tooltip: 'Provide a label text for Key column (otherwise \'Key\' will be used)',
    weight: 404,
    input: true
    type: 'checkbox',
    label: 'Disable Adding / Removing Rows',
    key: 'disableAddingRemovingRows',
    tooltip: 'Check if you want to hide Add Another button and Remove Row button',
    weight: 405,
    input: true
    type: 'checkbox',
    label: 'Show key column before value',
    key: 'keyBeforeValue',
    tooltip: 'Check if you would like to show the Key before the Value column.',
    weight: 406,
    input: true
    type: 'textfield',
    label: 'Add Another Text',
    key: 'addAnother',
    tooltip: 'Set the text of the Add Another button.',
    placeholder: 'Add Another',
    weight: 410,
    input: true,
    customConditional(context) {
      return !context.data.disableAddingRemovingRows;