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import Component from './_classes/component/Component';
import EditFormUtils from './_classes/component/editForm/utils';
import BaseEditForm from './_classes/component/Component.form';
import _ from 'lodash';
export default class Components {
  static _editFormUtils = EditFormUtils;

  static _baseEditForm = BaseEditForm;

  static set EditFormUtils(value) {
    Components._editFormUtils = value;

  static get EditFormUtils() {
    return Components._editFormUtils;

  static set baseEditForm(value) {
    Components._baseEditForm = value;

  static get baseEditForm() {
    return Components._baseEditForm;

  static recalculateComponents() {
    if (window && window.Formio && window.Formio.AllComponents) {

  static get components() {
    if (!Components._components) {
      Components._components = {};
    return Components._components;

  static setComponents(comps) {
    // Set the tableView method on BaseComponent.
    if (comps.base) {
      // Implement the tableView method.
      comps.base.tableView = function(value, options) {
        const comp = Components.create(options.component, options.options || {}, options.data || {}, true);
        return comp.getView(value);
    _.assign(Components.components, comps);

  static addComponent(name, comp) {
    return Components.setComponent(name, comp);

  static setComponent(name, comp) {
    Components.components[name] = comp;

  static create(component, options, data) {
    let comp = null;
    if (component.type && Components.components.hasOwnProperty(component.type)) {
      comp = new Components.components[component.type](component, options, data);
    else if (component.arrayTree) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
      comp = new Components.components['datagrid'](component, options, data);
    else if (component.tree) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
      comp = new Components.components['nesteddata'](component, options, data);
    else if (Array.isArray(component.components)) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
      comp = new Components.components['nested'](component, options, data);
    else if (options && options.server) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
      comp = new Components.components['hidden'](component, options, data);
    else {
      comp = new Component(component, options, data);
    return comp;